Protesting UN inaction to violence in the Occupied Territories at MINURSO HQs, Tifariti, October 25, 2010 (photo: Kirby Gookin)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

About Western Sahara in Other Languages (under construction)

As stated above, the focus of this blog is to collate sites and information in English.  However there are many sites that have pages in multiple languages (typically Arabic, French, Spanish, German).  There are also sites that are in other languages such as Norwegian, Swedish, etc.  The following is a brief list of some of the more important sites in different languages: 

ARABIC / العربية :
Sahara Press Service  (POLISARIO / RASD Press Service)
ASVDH   (click Arabic tab)  Sahrawi Association of Human Rights Victims Committed by
the Moroccan State (El-Ayoune, Moroccan occupied Western Sahara) 
Sahrawi Journalists and Writers Union (Arabic)  (Sahrawi Journalists+Writers Union)


(go to site map)
Sahara Today (click German flag, uses Google translate)
(click language or go to site map)
ASVDH (Español)  Sahrawi Association of Human Rights Victims Committed by the
Moroccan State (El-Ayoune, Moroccan occupied Western Sahara) 
Espacios Europeos  (Western Sahara section)
LEFRIG: Centro de Documentación y Museo de la Resistencia del Pueblo Saharaui
y la Solidaridad Internacional
Triunfo (search “Sahara” for articles from the early to late 1970s)

(click language or go to site map)
ASVDH (Francais)  Sahrawi Association of Human Rights Victims Committed by the
Moroccan State (El-Ayoune, Moroccan occupied Western Sahara)
Sahara Today  (click French flag; uses Google translate) 

(go to site map)
Sahara Today  (click Italian flag, uses Google translate)


(go to site map)